Раз игра ни канон, значит и роботы никанон, вот и все.
Плюс, это может быть устаревший символ со времен Дофуса, ибо когда ты под водой- над знаком думать туго.
Залез на форчан Вики.
Back in the Dofus era, Foggernauts worshiped Osamodas as well, but as a god of the sea and as a result they are a mostly seafaring race that were mostly just blond humans overly fond of brass. The Foggernauts developed Wakfu-based steampunk technology, like primitive Eliatropes. Ogrests Chaos and the rising seas fucked them over royally, and they lost faith in Osamodas as well as Gods in general and became a reclusive race that developed their nation of Sufokia. They finally make contact with the world again in the Wakfu cartoon, where they have advanced beyond their steampunk era and into 80's style Stasis-powered submarines that transform into giant robots. They use their formidable forces to beat back a full fledged invasion of Rushu back into his realm. Their prince, Adale, is...effeminate, and implies the eventual goal of the Sufokians is to kill the gods (he's also apparently a fan of Kerub as his prized "ancient teacup" bears the old Tom's likeness). Frida Mofette, their general (nicknamed "Admiral Crazytits" by /co/ and the Wakfu community at large), is a batshit insane and sadistic brute GLORIOUSLY AMAZING LEADER THAT WADED INTO THE THICK OF BATTLE TO WIN VICTORY ON THE BEACH! In the Wakfu game, Foggernauts are playable as human souls that reincarnated into the bodies of robots that run on Stasis (all of which appear to be males unfortunately).
Материал там таков.
Patient and prudent, a good Foggernaut will wait for just the right moment to strike... Over the centuries, they have come on in leaps and bounds, both intellectually and physically. Born of a clan of warlike atheists, they have evolved to become the ambassadors of a peace-loving people. Their mission is to track down Stasili mines in order to prepare for the grand return of their kin...
В описании ММОРПГ только этот материал.
А то где ты увидел свой материал- в фанатской вики Кросмозе.Доказательств кроме этой вики нет.Я Отакии верю больше, уж извините. http://krosmoz.wikia.com/wiki/Foggernaut
У них анатомия сложная, плюс на них кучу фанарта делает Next lvl довольно неплохо.
Я снова скоро маскарадеров рисовать начну.Продумала историю фанперса.
Лол, но при этом Анкама из них делает психопатов злодеев, даже в интервью на вопрос " почему все кселоры плохие" Анкама отвечала, что силы у них такие ктторые сводят с ума и так надо.
Patient and prudent, a good Foggernaut will wait for just the right moment to strike... Over the centuries, they have come on in leaps and bounds, both intellectually and physically. Born of a clan of warlike atheists, they have evolved to become the ambassadors of a peace-loving people. Their mission is to track down Stasili mines in order to prepare for the grand return of their kin...
Ну, как видишь сама суровость
Плюс, это может быть устаревший символ со времен Дофуса, ибо когда ты под водой- над знаком думать туго.
Когда это король Фек в Бонту баллотировался?Жорис представитель Бонты, носамого короля никогда не было.
Противоречишь сам себе, определись.
Back in the Dofus era, Foggernauts worshiped Osamodas as well, but as a god of the sea and as a result they are a mostly seafaring race that were mostly just blond humans overly fond of brass. The Foggernauts developed Wakfu-based steampunk technology, like primitive Eliatropes. Ogrests Chaos and the rising seas fucked them over royally, and they lost faith in Osamodas as well as Gods in general and became a reclusive race that developed their nation of Sufokia. They finally make contact with the world again in the Wakfu cartoon, where they have advanced beyond their steampunk era and into 80's style Stasis-powered submarines that transform into giant robots. They use their formidable forces to beat back a full fledged invasion of Rushu back into his realm. Their prince, Adale, is...effeminate, and implies the eventual goal of the Sufokians is to kill the gods (he's also apparently a fan of Kerub as his prized "ancient teacup" bears the old Tom's likeness). Frida Mofette, their general (nicknamed "Admiral Crazytits" by /co/ and the Wakfu community at large), is a batshit insane and sadistic brute GLORIOUSLY AMAZING LEADER THAT WADED INTO THE THICK OF BATTLE TO WIN VICTORY ON THE BEACH! In the Wakfu game, Foggernauts are playable as human souls that reincarnated into the bodies of robots that run on Stasis (all of which appear to be males unfortunately).
Материал там таков.
В описании ММОРПГ только этот материал.
А то где ты увидел свой материал- в фанатской вики Кросмозе.Доказательств кроме этой вики нет.Я Отакии верю больше, уж извините.
Я снова скоро маскарадеров рисовать начну.Продумала историю фанперса.
Ну, как видишь сама суровость